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Website Banner Blog   2024 05 07 T084336

Trinnovo Group Announce New Charity Partnership with Action for Race Equality

​[London, 30/04/2024] Trinnovo Group is delighted to announce a new partnership with anti-racism charity, Action for Race Equality.ARE are a non-profit on a mission to end racial inequality. They d...

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Emc 1

Why Veterans Make Ideal Leaders

​Many veterans find themselves in a tricky position when they leave the forces: They’re overqualified for entry-level roles, but they struggle to land leadership positions. Why is this? Veterans ar...

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Lesbian Visibility Week

Celebrating Lesbian Visibility Week

The 22nd of April marks the start of Lesbian Visibility Week, a time for raising awareness, showing solidarity, and celebrating excellence in the Lesbian community. Originally celebrated for the f...

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Emc 3

Podcast Episode 13: Gear up for Tech: A career guide for veterans

Welcome to Episode 13 of the Ex-Military Careers Podcast Series! If you're a veteran transitioning from the battlefield to the bustling world of technology, you're in for a treat. In this action-pa...

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Website Banner Blog   2024 04 18 T170042

Podcast Episode 5: Changing the Game – Timeless Transformation Strategies with Amanda Wallace

​In this episode of the Trinnovo Consulting podcast, Micha Swallow sat down with the insightful Amanda Wallace to talk about all things change and transformation in today's volatile business landsc...

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Join our Train and Deploy waiting list

​Act now to secure your place on the waiting list and unlock exclusive access to our train and deploy program! Don't let this golden opportunity slip through your fingers – be at the forefront of i...

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Emc 4

Veteran Transition Tips: Mentorship and Career Growth

Whether you’ve landed your first civilian job or you’re pivoting into a brand-new industry, mentorship is valuable at any stage of your professional journey. For veterans, mentors provide a guiding...

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Website Banner Blog   2024 04 10 T092549

Celebrating Trans Visibility: Lunch and Learn with Global Butterflies

March 31st marks International Transgender Day of Visibility, a time for reflection, raising awareness, and celebration. The trans community faces off against a persistent existential threat, from ...

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Website Banner Blog   2024 04 03 T085858

Navigating Change and Transformation in the Swiss Tech Market

​The Swiss market’s trademark resilience is being tested by the accelerating rate of digital transformation, spotlighting the importance of organisational agility like never before.Ranking number o...

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