Our very own Lucy Eloise Neal and Antonia Otter delivered a ‘Shifting mindsets and addressing the gender imbalance in DevOps’ panel discussion with Ishita Shukla, Sarah Cordivano and Greta Jocyte. The forward-thinking session explored the global gender DevOps gap issue, with just 10% of the DevOps workforce making up women representation in Germany and in some countries with as little as only 5% of the DevOps workforce making up women. The facts and figures showcase the importance of our global movement and opening up conversations on the gender disparity in DevOps.
During the panel, our experts revealed the power of language and education, and business strategies on how to attract, hire, retain, uncovering and demonstrate how diverse and inclusive teams drive innovation. Offering the audience a unique insight into HR best practices, strategies, and tools on how to create a truly inclusive DevOps workforce.
Are you based in Berlin? Come along, with your team, friends or colleagues and connect with like-minded DevOps enthusiasts, to discuss all things related to DevOps Skillsets, Salary Negotiation, empowering underrepresented colleagues and inspiring future leaders tomorrow evening.
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22 June 2022