It's estimated that one in six people in the past week experienced a common mental health problem and since the pandemic, a large proportion of predominantly young adults have reported mental health symptoms, such as anxiety or depression, rising to over 56% in 2021.
When looking to achieve our goals in a busy environment, it's easy to neglect mental, physical, and emotional health. How could technology help an individual, in a work / educational environment, to better manage this? Alongside our friends and academic partners Code Institute, we launched our first four-day hackathon of 2022.
Last night we hosted a virtual panel discussion with three forward-thinking mental health experts to discuss ‘accelerating the future of workforce wellbeing and mindfulness', the discussion explored:
❌ Prevention before burnout
🗣 Labelling culture should be avoided to prevent alienation
🧠The power of mindfulness
🏢 Companies should design their own protocol for mental health signs and symptoms
✨ Strive for workplace flexibility and actively support employees
Listen to your staff - benefits and perks should not just be for marketing purposes
We would like to thank our fabulous panel Megan Wood, Maria Kuzak, Natalia Obregón and Yoni Lavifor their insights, as well as our wonderful academic partners Code Institute, with a special shout out to Jane Gormley, Jim Morel, Stefan Dworschak, Drew Browne and Megan Armstrong for your ongoing support.
Missed the webinar? We've got you covered - check out the recording here.