March 31st marks International Transgender Day of Visibility, a time for reflection, raising awareness, and celebration. The trans community faces off against a persistent existential threat, from institutionalised exclusion to the normalisation of stigma, and widespread prejudice defines much of how people perceive the Trans experience.

For us, International Transgender Day of Visibility is a time for recognising the incredible contributions of Trans folks around the world, raising awareness, amplifying underserved voices, and building bonds across borders.

This year, in commemoration of International Transgender Day of Visibility, we had the privilege of inviting our exceptional community partners, Global Butterflies, to host a talk in our London office.

The ever-insightful Rachel Reese and Emma Cusdin shared their expert advice and experiences on what it takes to support trans candidates through the entire talent lifecycle. We delved into:

  • The importance of showing up for your Trans colleagues, friends and family members

  • What recruiters and HR leaders can do to build more inclusive processes

  • Allyship in action

  • Strategies for supporting clients with onboarding

  • What the current landscape looks like for the Trans community

We would like to offer a massive thank you to the wonderful Rachel Reese and Emma Cusdin for sparing their time to take part in our Lunch and Learn initiative, your invaluable insights help us improve both our service and our ability to support the communities we strive to empower.

Global Butterflies is a consultancy that exists to bring better awareness to the business sector about the trans and non-binary community, offering training and consulting solutions to companies on the international stage. Find out more about their amazing work on their website, here:

If you’re interested in hiring exceptional diverse talent, building more inclusive workplaces, or you’d like to join a business that makes a positive impact on the wider world, contact Trinnovo Group here:
